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Saturday 31 January 2015

Fill vibrant colors into your life

This is one of the hardest 'colors' to fully step in to.....self esteem with out excessive ego...freedom from worries and fears...standing happily in who we are and the letting go of confusion... come on then...who's game to let their yellow shine?
Colors are all around us. Buildings are painted with colors. Clothes are made in different colors. The sky changes its color depending on the weather. We see colors everyday and everywhere. Colors have become part of our life.

Colors are an interesting element. Colorful things always manage to capture one’s attention. I love browsing through colorful pictures taken by fellow demographers. Those colorful pictures never fail to attract me. I have taken some pictures with color negative films and color slide films too.

Blue is often associated with sadness in the English language. But for me, I relate blue with calmness and peacefulness. I like to look at the sky and the sea. So, most of my blue photos are about them.
Green is sometimes related to envy or jealousy. I prefer to relate green with nature,and its fresh, new beginnings. Leaves that grow out right after winter are fresh and represent new beginnings. Greenery in nature always make people feel refreshed.
Some people see red as a representation of danger and anger. Some people relate red to passion. For the Chinese, red is a color of good fortune and happiness.
Yellow is a bright color. For me, yellow represents joyfulness and cheerfulness. Most of the time, smiley faces that make people smile are in yellow color, aren’t they?


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