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Friday 30 January 2015

If You are Depressed.

 Difficulties only people Stunning
That are part of the same ... !!
Because they own the best
The power to intelligently
Are .. !!

How is your' feeling today?
A few questions...
Do you love being a part of a larger community?
Do you get involved socially?
Do you feel like you belong?
Are you able to work co-cooperatively in a team?
Are you socially intelligent?
Do you lend a hand when needed?
Can you respect other peoples choices?
Do you believe there is enough for everyone?
Do you use your creativity often?
Do you allow your creativity to flow?
Are you generous?
Can people rely on you?
Can you show your affection easily?
Do you treat everyone as a star?
Is your staff/ family happy?

and most important of all...

Are YOU happy?


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