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Thursday 29 January 2015

The Three C's of successful relationship


 that includes verbal and non-verbal communication. It's the single most important aspect that can make or break a relationship. It includes caring enough to listen to underlying, unspoken messages being interested enough in each others daily activities , being clear when conveying your innermost needs. Good communication also means knowing how to prevent disagreement from escalating into argument and if they do , knowing how to forgive and move on afterward.

At nonverbal levels, communication means a look, a hug, a touch of hand, for no reason. You know that song "you say it best when you say nothing at all ? It does NOT mean if you sulk i should be able to read your mind.

whatever you call it give & take, split the difference, meet halfway.. It stops you going into battle for the wrong reason such as the color of the curtains.
Compromise is what i call diplomatic love- which allows us negotiate our performance and needs, just like bargaining at a market, leading to a win.

A filling is very different from a real relationship, but it's sad how many people confuse the two and expect the wrong thing from the wrong people. The wait and see stage needs to happen before you commit, otherwise you are asking for cruising disappointment.
By the time you commit, you need to be absolutely sure that this person is truly compatible and the differences between you are only minor.

If you keep those 3 essential Cs in mind and develop the required skills, you are almost guaranteed to have a successful relationship.


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