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Friday 23 January 2015

Trust The Timing Of Your Life !

TRUST  that  GOD  will  put the  right  people  in  Your  life  at  right  time  and  for the  right  reasons.

If you believe
everything happens
for a reason,
then trust that
whatever you need
will come and go from your life
at precisely the right time...

Sometimes God’s greatest blessing to us is His silence to our prayers. When Mary and Martha called for Him to come and heal their brother Lazarus He waited to come. Not because He didn’t love him and not because He didn’t care. But because He knew that by waiting He was preparing an opportunity for something greater than just a healing, He was preparing an opportunity for the greatest miracle of all time.

If God is making you wait today don’t lose hope. It may just be that the plan He has for you will be much greater if His answer doesn’t come right away. Trust Him with His timing for your life because it’s always right!

 "It will all fall into place, just as it should. Don’t have regrets. Don’t dwell on the dull times. Peer into your future, it’s a beautiful place"

If things don’t seem to be going how you thought they would be, it’s okay. As corny as it sounds, know that everything happens for a reason.

Don’t stress about what has happened. Do not worry about what you cannot control. You can’t do anything about the situation, so why stress?

Think of your setbacks as positives. When you’re telling your story to somebody, your setbacks will make it a lot more interesting!

Don’t worry about the past, you can’t change it. Don’t worry about the future, it’s not here yet. Live for now. Be present in every moment. Slow down, enjoy your life.

Trust the timing of your life and know that everything that is happening is going to lead to something great. Stay positive.


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